Rabu, 24 April 2013

E-Cig Benefits

The average consumer has been bombarded with negative information about cigarettes for years. An estimated 400,000 American persons die from smoking related deaths each year. Tobacco cigarettes have been found to cause cancer and cardio vascular disease, and are linked to high blood pressure and diabetes, among other illnesses. Even second hand smoke has been proven to have adverse medical affects. Because of this, many states and counties within the United States have banned smoking in public places, leaving many smokers out in the cold, sometimes literally.

Just recently, an alternative to conventional cigarettes has come on the market in the United States. The electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette, is a battery powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine by delivering a vaporized liquid nicotine solution. In addition to delivering inhaled nicotine, electric cigarettes provide a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke, but without involving tobacco, smoke or any form of combustion in its operation.

How do electronic cigarettes work? Though there are many variations on the market today, from the Òpen-styleÓ to those that look like an actual tobacco cigarette, e-cigarettes generally employ the same basic components: circuitry, a rechargeable battery, an atomizer and a mouthpiece, and all models operate in the same basic way. When it is inhaled upon, the air activates the atomizer to vaporize a small amount of liquid contained within the cartridge in the filter, which is in actuality a plastic mouthpiece.

Electric cigarettes mimic tobacco cigarettes in many ways. The nicotine cartridges come in varying strengths (high, medium, low or zero nicotine), as well as tobacco or menthol flavoring. Upon inhalation, a dose of nicotine courses through the body. However, there are marked differences between e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes. Although e-cigarettes contain nicotine, they do not contain cancer carcinogens such as tar. There is no flame involved, so fire is less likely to occur with electric cigarettes. Since there is no fire, there is no ash to be flung about with the electric cigarette and the vapor has the appearance of smoke, but neither smells nor lingers. The waste from electronic cigarettes is considerably less. Instead of as many as twenty cigarette butts and one or two empty boxes, there is one small plastic mouthpiece and one cartridge. The positive impact on the environment from that alone is staggering.

E-cigarettes can also save the user money. Many smokers spend upwards of $1000 on cigarettes every year. However, the cost of electronic cigarettes is around $2.50 per pack in comparison to regular cigarettes. One cartridge for electronic cigarettes has been known to last the equivalent of two packs of regular cigarettes. Reasonably priced electric cigarettes can be found with ease online, along with replacement cartridges, mouthpieces and batteries.

Knowing that smoking tobacco cigarettes is harmful to their health and the health of others has caused some to attempt to stop smoking. Though e-cigarettes have not been tested or proven to aid in smoking cessation, many electric cigarette reviews found online have stated an ease in transition from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes. The growing benefits of electronic cigarettes are quickly making this device one of the greatest little discoveries of our time.

V2 Cigs  are the greatest  Electronic Cigarettes  available to buy  now available. Smokeless,  natural and chemical free, and entirely satisfying  are important  aspects of the V2 Cigs items. These  electrical smokes  might aid  lots who are  dependent on smoking conventional cigarettes  shift to  a wholesome choice. These  electrical smokes are, nevertheless, fairly costly  in their regular cost. V2 Cigs  Promotion Code provides, nevertheless,  makes  the goods  a lot more acceptable. Whether  you mean to save  $ 1  on the buy, or  10 %  on a single single things,  online coupons  for that well-known  electrical smokes  are usually more accessible than  you might believe.  The right amount of reductions  could be mixed  to provide consumers  potential  in a cheaper merchandise, but  1 that is still  top quality.  To save cash  in the long run,  save your precious health instantly,  and purchase  something which continues, attempt  investing in a V2 Cigarette. For more information about electronic cigarettes just visit our website http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com.