For help after you quit smoking, you should keep around items that can be used to replace a cigarette. Stock up on items such as toothpicks, lollipops, sunflower seeds, and coffee stirrers. All these items can help when dealing with cravings. Instead of a cigarette, replace it with something that is harmless.
In order to quit smoking successfully, ask for help from the people you see most. Having the support of family, friends, and co-workers can mean the difference between success and failure. Quitting any habit is difficult, especially one like smoking that is addictive. Make sure the people around you cheer you on and do not intentionally thwart your success.
As bad as your urge is, it is not okay to take even one little puff. People who are trying to quit smoking believe that it will not harm them to have one puff of a cigarette. The problem is, this one puff leads to one whole cigarette, and then to one whole pack.
In order to quit, you must believe that you can do it. While the physical cravings and withdrawal symptoms of smoking are difficult, your brain is the most important item in your fight. You must be able to work past your cravings and that fight is all mental. Believe that you can do it and you will see success.
Receiving support from friends and family members can go a long way in helping you to quit smoking. It's especially important to remind them that getting over an addiction can cause mood swings and irritability. If people close to you are understanding of the situation, it will make relapsing that much easier to avoid.
Many people have found that the new electronic cigarettes have helped them to quit smoking without FEELING like they are quitting. The gadgets that are available over the counter mimic the smoke, taste and feel of a cigarette, so although all you are breathing in is water, you feel as though you haven't given up a thing.
Think specifically about how quitting smoking will improve your life. Think of all the health conditions you can worry less about. Think about how much money you can save. Think about how the whiteness of your teeth and the smell of your home will improve. Most importantly, think of how much less likely your children will be to smoke.
You need to be clear and committed at every stage of the quitting process. That means setting a firm date at which you want to be done smoking altogether. Use that date to determine smaller goals like when you want to cut back more, and stick to every date without exception.
For most of us, quitting smoking is not easy. The addiction to nicotine is a powerful one and overcoming it takes much determination. Do not be discouraged if you are not successful the first time. The most important thing is that you continue on your path to quitting. Good luck! For more information about electronic cigarettes just visit our website V2 cigarettes.
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